Privacy Notice

General Information 

The website is the property of the company Mdoloris Medical SystemsTM, a simplified joint-stock company listed in the Lille Company and Trade Register under SIRET number 523 257 657 00040 – NAF business code 4774Z

Head office :
Biocentre Fleming – Bât C
2700 rue Salvador Allende
59120 LOOS – France
Tel : + 33 (0)3 62 09 20 80 – Fax : + 33 (0)9 72 38 75 27

Email :

Joint-stock company with a share capital of EUR 136 637,00 Euros

The website was designed and developed by Mdoloris Medical Systems marketing department and La Confection. The users of the website can contact the site’s operator by email to the following address:



All information provided on is given for informational purposes only. MDoloris Medical SystemTM cannot guarantee the accuracy, comprehensiveness or up-to-date nature of the information contained in this website. MDoloris Medical SystemsTM works hard to provide available and verified information and / or tools to its users, but cannot be held liable for mistakes or omissions, or for unavailable information and services. As a result, the user acknowledges that he will use this information under his sole responsibility.


Intellectual property rights 

This whole website is governed by international legislation on copyright, trademark law, and intellectual property rights in general. This applies to each element of its content (text, images, data, drawings, graphics, videos, photos and sound recordings,…) and to its form (choices, sitemap, layout of the sections, means of access to data, data organisation…). These contents appearing on the pages of this website are the exclusive property of MDoloris Medical SystemsTM. The full or partial reproduction or representation of pages, data and any other element from this website by whatever methods and media, is strictly prohibited and is without the prior express consent of the publisher an infringement punishable by Articles L335-2 and following of the Intellectual Property Code.


Protection of trademarks and logos 

All trademarks and logos appearing on website are registered trademarks in France and/or internationally in different versions. Any partial or full reproduction of these brands or logos based on elements of the website without prior and express consent of MDoloris Medical SystemsTM is prohibited, as defined by article L713-2 of the French Intellectual Property Code. Similarly, any unauthorised use of the content and of the website will give rise to legal proceedings against those responsible.


Personal data protection 

MDoloris Medical SystemsTM agrees that the processing of personal data is in strict accordance with the rules set out in the authoritative text (reference number: NS-48 customers – potential customers databases)
CNIL declaration number: 2059524.


Management of access codes and passwords 

Some interactive services available on website may require an access code and a password which are provided by the administrator of these services. Access codes and passwords are confidential, personal and non-transferable. The user is responsible for the care and safekeeping of his access codes and passwords. Consequently, it is up to the user to implement all necessary precautionary measures for their protection and security. The user is responsible for any consequences of their use. MDoloris Medical SystemsTM assumes no responsibility in case of a fraudulent use of users’ access codes and passwords. The user agrees to inform Mdoloris Medical Systems without delay of any unauthorised use of his access codes and passwords. For safety reasons, MDoloris Medical SystemsTM reserves the right to suspend access to the site in the event of a fraudulent use or attempt to fraudulently use a user’s password or access code. MDoloris Medical SystemsTM would immediately inform the user in case of blocking. The password may be changed at any time.



The user is informed that a cookie may be automatically installed on his browser when visiting the website. The cookie records information regarding user’s browsing on the website, and stores information inputted during the visit. This cookie keeps the user from having to retype this information when revisiting the website. The user may refuse the recording of cookies by configuring his browser in the following way:

For Mozilla firefox :

Select the “Tools” menu then “Options”

Click on the icon “privacy”

Find the menu “cookie” and select the relevant options

For Internet Explorer :

Select the “Tools” menu then “Internet Options”

Click on the icon “Privacy”

Choose the desired level of privacy with the cursor

For Opéra 6.0 and later versions:

Select the “File” menu then “Preferences”


Changes in the terms of use 

MDoloris Medical SystemsTM reserves the right to change the terms of this disclaimer at any time. The user agrees to check these terms on a regular basis.

Applicable law in case of dispute

The content of this website is governed by the French law.


Attribution of jurisdiction

The sole competent court for any possible disputes is the Appeal Court of Douai (France).