
Webinar: HFVi Technology in the US

21 Oct 2020

Yesterday we had a great symposium led by three exceptional speakers regarding HFVi (High frequencies variability index) technology and its uses in the OR. Prof. Sergio Bergese from Stonny Brook Hospital, NY, explained the importance of monitoring the Autonomic Nervous System and how opioid abuse causes large amounts of deleterious effects due to the concept that pain is what needs to be treated intraoperatively. Prof. Irene Osborn from Montefiore Medical Center, NY, explained how to measure the autonomic nervous system through heart rate variability, how HFVi is obtained, and its use in the OR. Finally, Dr. Tiffany Moon from UT Southwestern Medical Center, TX, demonstrated how HFVi can aid anesthesiologists during the analgesia treatment intraoperatively, expressing that it is useful to guide opioids, multimodal, and opioid-free analgesia procedures.

Watch the whole webinar here


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